

最佳藝術指導(Best Achievement in Art Direction)

最佳攝影技術(Best Achievement in Cinematography)

最佳女配角(Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role)

最佳動畫短片(Best Short Film, Animated)

年度最佳動畫片(Best Animated Feature Film of the Year)

最佳原創劇本(Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen)

最佳改編劇本(Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published)

年度最佳外語片(Best Foreign Language Film of the Year)

最佳男配角(Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role)

最佳原創電影配樂(Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Score)

最佳混音(Best Achievement in Sound Mixing)

最佳音效剪輯(Best Achievement in Sound Editing)

最佳服裝設計(Best Achievement in Costume Design)

最佳化妝(Best Achievement in Makeup)

最佳短篇紀錄片(Best Documentary, Short Subjects)

最佳實景短片(Best Short Film, Live Action)

最佳長篇紀錄片(Best Documentary, Features)

最佳視覺效果(Best Achievement in Visual Effects)

最佳剪接(Best Achievement in Editing)

最佳原創電影歌曲(Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Song)

最佳導演(Best Achievement in Directing)

最佳女主角(Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role)

最佳男主角(Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role)

年度最佳影片(Best Motion Picture of the Year)

